New Art Social in The Crack Mag

On 5th January I'm starting a new night for Creative Writers called New Art Social . It'll be a place for emerging writers to share their work alongside more established novelists and poets. I'm keen to start to break down the boundaries between writers, given we all share the same challenges, and I'm excited by the writers who are signed up for the night. John Challis (recipient of a Northern Writers Award and author of 'The Black Cab' and Kris Johnson (who's been featured in Poetry London and The Irish Literary Review) head up the poetry component. Emily Anderson will be reading samples of humorous writing from WW1, which her PhD is concerned with. Amy Mccadden and Genna Godley (whose work is on ‘weirding’ or reconstructing the human body) will also read poetry, alonside David Bell, whose work ‘dispels silly local fantasies’. On the prose side Chris Fuller and Nikita Garner will be reading. Also featured are Unthanks Books' Sarah Dobbs , ...