'People are fragile things / You should know by now'

A quote from the Editors there, but I think it's fitting. I've just had a journalistic piece, entitled ‘The Dark Side Of The Human Psyche’ published in the Gothic Issue of New Trespass Magazine, coined as ‘an opportunity to delve delightfully into the dark side.’ Other contributors include Collin Kelly, Izzy White and Sarah Reilly. In the past it has featured contributions from Paloma Faith, Salena Godden and Simon Munnery.

Below is a snippet of my article. The magazine is available at-


As a child I was deeply intrigued by the way Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tales combined magical images with delicately drawn portraits of pain, refined and astute enough to be recognisable in our own lives. It seems that when beauty is coupled with pain, it makes for a particularly potent combination. Readers, languishing in the real world, accept that there is a price for pleasure, even beauty, and so the lows we experience with our protagonists allow the highs to be more enrapturing. Would Cinderella’s final, glamorous ascension be anything like as enthralling had she not suffered initially? As writers, so keen are we to take readers on these cathartic journeys, I often wonder if we forget just how fragile human beings are- how readily they scar. In the real world a final, glorious finale would often not be enough to counter the pain that went before it. But as readers, I believe we will forgive much if we are briefly made to forget ourselves. 


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