My Interview Series With English Pop Rebels and Outsiders for 'Albion's Secret History'

As part of the release of Albion's Secret History: Snapshots of England's Pop Rebels and Outsiders' I was honoured to get to interview some of the visionary English artists I discuss in the book and I'm so glad to hear the series has just had its 20,000th view! 

The chapter on Gary Numan is entitled 'Interzones, Edgelands, Psykick Dancehalls and Shamans: Gary Numan, Joy Division and Mark E. Smith'. In our discussion Gary and I discussed the putting together of the Numan persona, his unpublished fiction that informed it, and his experiences of fame. You can watch the interview here. Gary was an absolute gent and we talked about everything from synths to ghosts.

It was so much fun to chat to Kate Jackson about her art, our shared love of British Railway Stations and her work with Suede's genius guitarist Bernard Butler. 

My interview with her can be found here.

The interview series concluded with me chatting to Gazelle Twin, recently the subject of Tim Burgess' listening party, where we discussed Deep England and how she artistically reflects the traumas within our national identity.

That interview can be watched here.

The book also looks at (with a typically leftwing Zer0 Books bias) where English identity has come from, and might be going politically, as well as on how the culture wars may have reshaped our culture, which I discuss here.

This was a riff I expanded on too in a solo video where I considered the factors Covid might play in how creatives express themselves within our culture. I dived into the undercurrents that helped shaped Manchester as an exciting and entrepreneurial DIY cultural hub, going back to the days The Sex Pistols filled The Free Trade Hall- here

'Albion's Secret History: Snapshots of England's Pop Rebels and Outsiders' can be bought through independents (which I recommend) and other outlets here and on Amazon here


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