Anna Calvi

For me, Anna Calvi is the first performer in a long time to have an onstage persona so distanced from her natural self as to be almost unrecognisable. In interviews she’s quiet, thoughtful, always hiding behind a thick mane of blonde curls. Onstage she’s ferocious, snarling, and seemingly on a revenge mission that no number of flamenco scorched blues numbers will absolve. She reminds me of this lady –

I first fell for her work, after watching a performance of her on the French TV channel Arete. Where bands like Arcade Fire portray the current state of affairs, performers like Anna Calvi offer a means of escape to somewhere more glamorous, which in grim times seems very important. She’s currently fuelling late night writing binges as I try to start my second book. In an age of reality tv ‘stars’ and whitewash landfill indie Anna Calvi is certainly worth cherishing.


  1. Couldn't agree more. Just saw her live in Dublin and she was amazing. Whilst the music and musicality was first rate, it was her on stage persona that lifted it from a gig to a show.
    I'm still in the first throws of a full on school boy crush that may take some to pass.

  2. Ha, I know what you mean. I've not felt this way about a musician since I first 'fell for' PJ Harvey when I heard 'Is This Desire?'. Calvi just seems to have this whole world of glamour and intrigue around her music that no other artist has.


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