Letters from Yelena to be previewed at Dance City Newcastle

I'm excited to announce that Dance City Newcastle are to host the launch party for my second novel ‘Letters from Yelena’ on 1st October 2012. Part of the launch party will be a specially commissioned performance, directed by the acclaimed North East choreographer Dora Frankel, in which scenes from the book will be performed to a composed soundtrack.

It promises to be an innovative night of literature, music and dancing set at one of the North's most exciting and original venues. Tickets go on sale at Dance City’s box office soon. In the meantime I’m looking forward to seeing how the piece and its music both develop over the next few months. This is interesting new ground for me!

For publicity or further information please contact lucyboguslawski@legend-paperbooks.co.uk

Portrait photography by Tony Griffiths for Dora Frankel Dance- http://www.dorafrankeldance.co.uk/
Dance City is online at http://www.dancecity.co.uk/


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