'Letters from Yelena' is released tonight

I'm very excited that at Dance City, Newcastle this evening my second novel is being released. The launch will coincide with a performance of a scene from the book choreographed by Dora Frankel, featuring the Argentinian ballet dancer Laila Sanz (talking with me above during the development of the performance). In case that is a little too far afield, below are some of the advance quotes for the novel which I hope will entice you to buy it- 

‘It’s unusual to find a young male writer who can write with such sensitivity and maturity. Guy Mankowski’s portrayal of the ballerina Yelena is wholly convincing, taking us inside her thoughts and feelings as she describes the course of her life, from harrowing childhood to professional success, punctuated with turbulent emotional crisis. This is clearly a writer of great talent.’ Andrew Crumey, Booker Prize longlisted author.

Guy Mankowski’s second novel, Letters from Yelena, is a fantastic literary achievement, Mankowski creates a captivating, engaging narrative which plucks at our heart-strings. The characters are delicately described. The atmosphere created is tangible. The language pirhouettes, spins, soars: some of the imagery is simply brilliant. It is the most beautifully written book I’ve read this year. Astounding.’ AJ Kirby, author and reviewer for New York Journal of Books
'I felt I was watching a ballet in a darkened theatre, unable to look away until the story had unfolded, so beautifully, before my eyes. From opening this book on Thursday I was unable to put it down until I had finished it. More than that, I was talking about it through dinner, and thinking about it too. It is wonderfully written, and I was fascinated by the world of the ballet.' Best-selling novelist Ruth Dugdall

'I finished Letters from Yelena in two sittings. 'Yelena' has more emotional and intellectual depth in a chapter than the entirety of The Black Swan. Instead it harks back to something like the visual masterpiece of The Red Shoes; romantic, dark, uncompromising, and beautiful. I defy any woman, and any dancer, to not see parts of themselves in Yelena. Exceptionally talented.’ Hanna Jameson, author of ‘Something You Are’

The book can be ordered from here-

And tickets for the launch tonight can be ordered from here- 


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