'Letters from Yelena' cracks top 100 in 'Amazon Bestsellers in Contemporary Fiction' chart

'Letters from Yelena' was today added to the Amazon 'Twelve Days Of Kindle' promotional offer, where selected titles are available as E-books for 99p. Excitingly it peaked at #61 in the 'Bestsellers in Contemporary Fiction' chart. And at one point narrowly overtook 'Fifty Shades Of Grey'- which I would not have expected for a particularly dark novel about a troubled Ukrainian ballerina! Would be great if you could share the link below and help push the novel even higher for this short-lived offer-



  1. Well done!

    I purchased this in the Kindle sale, and I'm loving it so far.

  2. Very kind of you, that is great to hear! I hadn't realized Kindle sales were outstripping book sales, I might have to invest in one...

  3. Dear Guy,

    sorry to bother you! I found your name on the 'funds given' spreadsheet on the Arts Council website, and I was hoping I could ask for your advice.

    I am in the process of applying for funding for a literary project, but I am a bit uncertain as to how I should break down the amount in the 'expenditure' section of the form... and obviously you did it the right way :).

    Thank you very much,
    Linda Ghio
    (lindaghio at gmail dot com)


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