Update on Kristen Pfaff book


Just wanted to offer a quick update about the book about Kristen Pfaff. Along with Jason Pfaff, for some years a book about Pfaff has been in development. It has benefited from the input of many parties, not least Pfaff’s exes, Mike Huber and Robert Slammon and many others. It also benefits from access to Pfaff’s unseen archive, Jason Pfaff's video archive, as well as other exciting sources. Pfaff’s 27 years were used fitfully and the book will very much focus on her life rather than her passing.

As an academic, activist, counsellor and musician Pfaff packed a lot into her years and this book will very much celebrate her life and her time as a key member of cult band Janitor Joe, putting the spotlight onto the years in which less is known about Pfaff. The book will also celebrate Pfaff and others contribution to the masterpiece that was Hole’s ‘Live Through This’.

When there is news on the publication front we’ll be sharing it right away. I’d like to offer my thanks to the Pfaff fans across the world- from Russia, Spain, Mexico and elsewhere, who’ve been in touch and expressed excitement about the book. We’re doing everything we can to ensure that the wait is worth it.

‘What bothers me so much, is the way this has been sensationalised around Kristen. All this happened in the last year of her life. She did have problems in the last year, but what about her other 26 years? The media missed the fact of what an accomplished musician she was, what a good person she was, and all the good things she did. The thing that blows my mind years later, is that people are still interested in her life.’ Janet Pfaff


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